client love

“It was a wonderful experience! My first time experiencing Breath Work. The moment I walked in, I felt the welcoming energy and safe space. I came without any expectations other than to release what needed to be released, and my body would do the rest. Kristin is a wonderful facilitator with so much passion, experience, and light. It was truly an amazing experience, and I am looking forward to the next meeting and hope to bring my 19 yo. Thankful and grateful for this healing journey.”  - TM

“I went into my first Breathwork session skeptical but with an open mind and heart. To say that it changed my life is an understatement. The short, one-hour session alone helped surface emotions I had deliberately been avoiding and pushing away deep within myself. I walked away with an enormous sense of peace and like a thousand lbs had been lifted off my shoulders. What an incredible experience Kristin gave me. I can not wait to work with her again!” - Marcella V.

"My breathwork experience with Kristin was amazing! This was my first time doing a breathwork class, but she guided me through it, and I found an incredible sense of peace and relaxation at the end of the session! I highly recommend this experience to anyone looking for relief from anxiety and stress, or just overall self-care!"  - Rob D.

"I had my first Clarity Breathwork class with Kristin recently, and it was nothing short of amazing. I have heard positive things about breathwork before, but this was my first time, and Kristin created a safe and supportive space on our journey. I was told beforehand that it could get emotional, but I had no idea how much I needed to experience that, hold space for it, and breathe through it. I felt so grounded after this session for the first time in a long time. I look forward to incorporating breathwork into my self-care practice and continuing my healing journey. Thank you, Kristin, for creating this experience!" -  Leigh H.

"My experience with Kristin and the Breathwork session was probably one of the most enlightening experiences I ever had in the world. Let me say that she was extremely patient and professional with the group (both times I participated), and she just guided you through this journey of ultimate bliss. I never believed something was as powerful as this - the breathing techniques and the accent of levels of self are incredible. Expect to take everything out of the way. In other words, the cleansing is just magnificent. Every human being must experience this technique - and who better than Kristin?  She is so nurturing and knowledgeable that the experience will be clear and comfortable. I must say I was skeptical at first, but not anymore. I will keep doing it. I am so grateful I experienced it. My Respect To Kristin and Satori Minds Breathwork." - Alexandre M.

"I arrived agitated and annoyed from the day… when my breathwork session was over, I felt completely calm. It was a deep shift in my consciousness, and also physically, the shift was huge. It was a calm that lasted into the next day (massage doesn’t even last that long!) I’ve done other, more intense styles of breathwork. They’re great for releasing trauma but don’t anchor you back into your life. After my breathwork session with Kristin, I returned to a more grounded, centered, calm version of myself. It was a deep reset."  - Megan C.

"Never in my wildest dreams did I think breathwork could be as powerful as I discovered through your classes.  The relief I found in just those two short sessions was incredible. The second session of the intense breathing was almost indescribable- it was freeing.  It allowed me to release so many emotions that I have had pent up inside of me for a long time. I truly felt a sense of relief, exhaustion, and calm after that session. Thank you so much! I look forward to participating in your breathing courses in the future! - Megan R.

“Kristin’s Breathwork style is both gentle and profound. I experienced beautiful imagery and insight into my intentions as well as a really lovely energetic recalibration.” - Morgan D.

“I feel like no one wants to deal with their emotions, just like I was not able to even if I had the desire to. Your session gave me time in a safe space where I could bring up those emotional memories of being scared, alone, unwanted, used, abused, and I was able to see, in that moment, that they existed. More importantly, after addressing their existence and knowing there is nothing but acceptance to conquer over them, I was allowed to remember my support group. The very few people I love in this world, and how I am not alone no matter where I go, and how I lean into my own strength just like I always have. But the ability to address those emotions I have kept secret since they happened helped me through the breathwork, breathing through the tears and sobs- all we have is the light that we create within ourselves to make us keep breathing whether it be for that hour or through the day or for the next 10 years.” - Kali D.

“I didn’t really come in with any expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised with the results.  Here’s what it was like for me briefly. First off, this seems to be a theme, but the session seemed more like 20 minutes than the full hour we actually did.  It brought up a lot emotions for me and it really helped me confront and try to let go of some of the issues I have going on currently and from the past.  I normally bottle up all of my emotions, so to have them come out was unique to me.” - Nathan W. 

“As a skeptic, I didn't see the connection between Breathwork and mental health at first. Boy was I wrong! I was gob-smacked by the session. Kristin is a wonderful facilitator. She has the ability to create a safe, sacred, and healing space, which I needed to get the full experience. Her message is simple, loving kindness and compassion. After the session, I felt a whole lot better, so much more relaxed, more energetic and feeling so much happier. I felt a profound sense of peace. Others around me were able to notice the change just by looking at my body language, and without me uttering a single word. Thank you, Kristin, for guiding my journey into Transformational Breathwork. Your professionalism and knowledge of the subject are appreciated. I am curious and encouraged to delve deeper.” - Hani R.

“I had an amazing experience taking your class and you’re right - there’s no really way to explain it. This is just something that the people are gonna have to trust and give a chance, even if it’s someone like me resorting to a last option. The experience I had in your class was nothing like anything I’ve done before at first. I was very skeptical. Like maybe this lady’s crazy, but don’t worry, Miss Kristin, you’re far from crazy. Through this experience, you showed me how to release some deep-rooted stress, and I was able to communicate with my inner child, finding peace, serenity, and motivation to move forward, being able to forgive myself from past life experiences, traumas… and if I were to do it for longer than we did, who knows what I would’ve reached! I really appreciate you taking the time to come to and show us the breathwork. I hope it’s something you continue to do. And continue to touch lives.” - Isaiah H.

“To be honest I was hesitant to join in because I thought I knew how to breathe correctly! I found out through this class how to breathe with more clarity & openness and self-love! I really enjoyed the class and appreciate the peace! Thank you Kristin!”  - Karen W.

“What a gift to give yourself! Kristin’s breathwork ceremonies are deeply moving and healing!” - Jeanine F.